বই : Business Mathematics [S. M. Shahidul Islam]

লেখক : S. M. Shahidul Isalm
মূল্য :   Tk. 250.0   Tk. 220.0 (12.0% ছাড়)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
The book titled Business Mathematics has been written and also currently improved with the blessings of Almighty Allah. It is clear that the use of mathematical tools has been on the increase day by day in business arena and now-a-days business mathematics is a compulsory course in all business related disciplines. But the fact is that our students are always afraid of mathematics and they need proper guidance and dependable books. There are textbooks available in the market on Business Mathematics but most of them are inadequate in meeting the requirements of the students. So in order to gear up the students in business mathematics we have attempted to write and improve the book using easy language and mathematical techniques.

The text is written with the basic objects of introducing students of business administration to the mathematical concepts that help in decision making. An attempt has been made to present explanations in such a way that the underlying mathematical theories are fully exposed and the relation between theory and application thoroughly understood. The text will also cover a large part of Production & Operations Management and Management Science.

We have included in the book a large number of examples, mostly collected from question papers of different universities. We have verified every question and their solution minutely, and if there is any error yet, we beg apology for that.

We are grateful and indebted to Professor Dr. A.A.K. Majumdar, Ritsumeikan Asia- Pacific University, Japan; Professor Satrajit Kumar Saha and Professor Dr. Md. Abdur Rob, Department of Mathematics, Jahangirnagar University; Professor Dr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, Department of Mathematics, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University; Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Hoque, BRAC Business School, BRAC University; Dr. Abdul Awal Khan, Vice Chancellor, International Standard University Bangladesh, and many of our colleagues who encouraged and helped us in writing and improving the book. We are also grateful to the authors whose books we have freely consulted in the preparation of the manuscript. The authority of Abir Publications deserves thanks for undertaking the responsibility to publish the book in these days of hardships in publication business.

Finally, special recognition should go to the endless co-operation of author's wife without which the book could not have seen the light of the day. Constructive criticisms, corrections, and suggestions towards the improvement of the book will be thankfully received.
-- Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam

বইয়ের নাম Business Mathematics [S. M. Shahidul Islam]
লেখক S. M. Shahidul Isalm  
প্রকাশনী আবীর পাবলিকেশন্স
সংস্করণ নতুন সংস্করণ, ২০২৩
পৃষ্ঠা সংখ্যা 218
ভাষা English

S. M. Shahidul Isalm